Isnin, 29 Mac 2010

How to Build a Website Without HTML Know-How

Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML, is a markup language used to create websites. While it is useful to have some familiarity with HTML coding when creating a website for your online business, you can still build a website without HTML know-how by using site creation software such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage. These applications have user-friendly ‘WYSIWYG’ interfaces that allow you to design the site visually so you can see how it is going to turn out before uploading it. You can also download free site creation applications, such as NVU, if you’re on a budget.
The first step in designing your website is deciding what content, such as text, titles and graphics, you want to appear on the web pages. Then make a sketch of the site on a piece of paper so you can see where the different elements will appear on the pages. Do you want two or three columns on your website? Where will you put the buttons? What about graphics? Are the different elements in balance? Once you have finalized the design, you can input the information into the site builder application’s interface to create the site.
You’ll have to import the graphics and pictures you want to appear on your site, since they cannot be embedded directly onto the web pages. Before uploading pictures on to your website, you’ll want to edit them to make it faster for the page to load by using image editing software. Resample each of the digital pictures to a resolution of around 72 dots per inch (dpi). You can also use the editing software to retouch the pictures to make them look more attractive.
Finally, once all the elements are in place on your website, preview them on several web browser programs to make sure the site will appear online the way you want it to. Then, upload it onto your Internet web host.
You can also build a website without HTML by signing up with sites that offer you a combination of domain registration, web hosting and site creation software for a monthly fee. The advantage of going this route is that you will have all the technical support you need to create your website. You also have the option of using one of their pre-designed templates and then just customizing it for your own needs. If you run into any problems that require HTML code, you can usually find the relevant code by doing an online search; just paste it onto the HTML editor.
You can also build a website without HTML by signing up with free web hosting sites and using their site building tools. Their applications are easy to use, utilizing an interface similar to that of word processing programs. This is advisable if you’re just starting out in your Internet venture and you have no HTML knowledge. A free web hosting solution also usually allows you to use your domain name on their site, although some may charge you an additional fee to do so. However, there are many limitations when you’re using a free web host which could affect your ranking in search engines, so you may eventually have to shift to a paid web hosting solution when your business takes off.

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