Isnin, 29 Mac 2010

Tips on How to Build a Website Sales Page and Thank You Web Page

If you want to sell products online, you will have to build a website sales page and thank you web page on your site. Note that if your website is hosted on a free host service you may not qualify to sign up with many online vendor programs, so you will have to invest money in registering your own personal domain name and in paying for web hosting with a commercial service. You must also create the pages first before you can be approved by the vendor for entry to the sales program.
The sales page, which is also known as the pitch page, must contain the following elements: detailed information on the product you’re selling, including the price and product features, and delivery details (i.e. method of delivery and how long it will take); if it is a recurring-billing product, include details of the rebilling schedule, such as the frequency of billing and how many times the customer will be billed. You should also inform customers if the product can only be used in a particular country or region. Of course, you must include a payment link that will direct customers to an online form where they can place their orders.
The thank you page appears after the customer has bought the product and payment has been approved; it should have the same look as the rest of the site in order to reassure customers that they have not done something wrong. The thank you page confirms that the purchase or subscription has been successfully completed and that their credit card or bank account will show a charge; it should also tell the customer what to expect (i.e. that you’ll be sending them a confirmatory e-mail) and what, if anything, they should do next (click on the link to start downloading the digital product). The page should also include a link that that brings them back to the home page, and a valid e-mail, toll-free number or other method by which they can contact you if they have any concerns.
You might also consider monetizing the thank you page by including ads for related products you think the customer might be interested in, or links that they can click to bring them to other sales pages.
You can build a website sales page and thank you web page by yourself using a template; pre-designed templates, however, might give your web pages a generic look, so if you can afford it, you might want to hire a web designer to give the pages a more professional look. If you’re doing it yourself, you can load the template into web editing software that allows you to use simple text rather than HTML.
Finally, keep in mind that the success of your online ventures rests on the effectiveness of your sales page. So when you build a website sales page and thank you web page make sure that they capture the attention of customers and, when they buy something, leave them feeling satisfied and more likely to deal with you again.

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