Isnin, 29 Mac 2010

Collecting Original comic art – a fun and exciting hobby

By: Martin Toms
Word Count: 382

Comic art collecting has grown in stature since it’s humble beginnings in the 1970s. Comic books may still be viewed as entertainment for children but comic art has established itself as a distinct, mature art form that is able to move people with its appeal. And this artistic success has not weighed heavily on comic art; it retains the freshness and approachability which originally attracted millions to comic books. And this makes original comic art a true collectible item. While each piece of original comic art is one of a kind, many are inexpensive but some pieces rival the prices of the traditional art world.

If you have only seen comic art in comic books you may wonder what is meant by original comic art. The art you see in a comic book starts out as a hand drawn work that is typically penciled and inked. Historically then word bubbles added the dialogue to the page but most modern comics now do this electronically. This original, black and white drawing is copied, then colored and used to produce the comic books that you are familiar with. The original art is typically then returned to the artists, in beautiful black and white.

Comic books have been produced about everything from superheroes like Iron Man and Batman to horror to Disney characters to movie and toy tie-ins like the Transformers ensuring something for everyone. Just as diverse as the properties related to comic art there are just as many artistic styles that artists have adopted over time. One can enjoy viewing a wide variety of the art and when a drawing truly captivates a person, the person can look to add it to your collection.

One may be concerned that as with other art forms quality comic art is very expensive and starting an art collection is an indulgence that only a few can enjoy. However most original comic art is not expensive and one can acquire a piece for as little as $10.

As with other collectibles, there is a vibrant community that collects original comic art where you can enjoy interacting with like minded persons who have chosen to make their life richer by collecting this unique art form. You can learn more about comic art at
Martin Toms has a long standing passion for original comic art. This passion is reflected in his commitment to the promotion of the art form by building a platform where lovers of comic art can meet. You can learn more about original comic art at
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