Isnin, 29 Mac 2010

To Succeed as an Affiliate, You Need to Build a Website That Allows Others to Sell Their Stuff

One of the most effective ways to make money online is by signing up with an affiliate program. Being an affiliate essentially means that you are acting as a go-between for a vendor who is selling certain products or services. When visitors come to your website, you direct them to the merchant site, and then you get paid a commission every time they make a purchase or sign up for a special offer. To become an affiliate, you need to build a website that allows others to sell their stuff.
There are several types of affiliate programs. While most programs pay you a one-time commission on sales, others offer a lifetime commission, in which you are paid again whenever a customer you referred makes another purchase. There are also two or three-tier affiliate programs that not only pay you for making sales but also for recruiting others to do the same; you will then earn a share of the sales they generate. An alternative to joining sales-based affiliate programs is Google AdSense, an affiliate program that places ads on your site and then pays you whenever someone clicks on the ad’s link. The advantage of the AdSense program is that advertisements are directly related to the content on your site, so visitors are more likely to click on the links.
Before signing up with an affiliate program, you should build a website that allows others to sell their stuff that has useful and unique content on it that reflects your particular interests. You have to make your site search-engine friendly by making sure its content includes the most-often searched keywords or terms so that it would rank high on search engine results; search engines are the best way to generate directed traffic to your site. Finally, sign up with affiliate programs that reflect your particular niche, i.e. if you like books, then you can sign up for an affiliate program that sells e-books or audiobooks.
Then you should get your site listed on Google, Yahoo! and other major search engines. You can do this by submitting your URL either to The Open Directory or directly to the search engines; there are no guarantees, however, that they will list your site, particularly if you’re using a free website host. A more effective method of getting listed is by getting your site linked to another site or web directory that is already listed by the search engines.
If you don’t have a website, the affiliate company will build a website that allows others to sell their stuff for you, as well as providing you with marketing and promotional support; all you have to do is create the content that will generate traffic to your site. If you don’t have enough content available, you can get some free articles from article directories; but avoid overdoing this since search engines penalize sites with too much duplicate content. If you have the resources, you can also consider including videos on your site, and then placing keywords in the meta tags.

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